The Smell of Rain


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Just a poor farm girl digging at non-existent holes in the ground. I was clearly very productive with my time.

Couldn’t resist taking advantage of the cloudy weather in San Diego today to take some photos. It was actually still too hot to wear this outfit but I wanted to do a rainy day look since it was drizzling. Not that San Diegans know anything about dressing for rainy weather. *all the British people say Amen* I just googled U.K weather and found “Flood warning as parts of country see month’s worth of rain in just 48 hours”. 0_0 Hi U.K. if you don’t mind could you send some of those rain clouds our way we are slowly turning into an actual desert plz thanks.

Epoch Black Western Style Wide Brim Fedora
Pacific Trail Purple Anorak (thrifted)
Mustard Yellow Pashmina from Vendor in Little Italy
She Inside Floral print Kimono
Hollister Black Skinny Jeans
Doc Marten boots


The Smell of Rain


What do you think?